LU JONG (Tibetisches Heilyoga) & Tibetische Medizin: Wochenend- Einführungsseminar

LU JONG (Tibetisches Heilyoga) & Tibetische Medizin: Wochenend- Einführungsseminar

(Language: German) 

Freitag 18. bis Sonntag 20. Oktober

Nur vor Ort. Diese Veranstaltung ist für alle Interessierte offen, es gibt keine Voraussetzungen zur Teilnahme.

Lu Jong – Tibetisches Heilyoga & Tibetische Medizin:
Wie wir unseren Körper nutzen können, um unseren Geist ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Wochenend- Einführungsseminar in den Bergen der Südsteiermark.

Dieses Wochenende bietet die Möglichkeit, Einblicke in die Wirkungsweise der tibetischen Medizin und des tibetischen Heilyoga „Lu Jong“ zu erhalten: Wie funktioniert unser Körper aus Sicht dieses Jahrtausende alten, erprobten und noch immer angewandten und gelehrten Systems? Welchen Einfluss haben neben Ernährung und Lebensstil die Jahreszeiten und unsere Umgebung? Und warum? Wie funktioniert dieses System unter Einbeziehung der fünf kosmophysischen Elemente? Wie kann Lu Jong (tibetisches Heilyoga) helfen, unsere körperliche, mentale und energetische Gesundheit zu erhalten, bzw. zu fördern? Welchem Grundtypus bin ich zuzuordnen und welche Ernährungsweise ist für mich persönlich geeignet?
Diesen Fragen versuchen wir an diesem Wochenende auf den Grund zu gehen.


  1. Lu Jong – die tibetische Bewegungslehre – die fünf Elemente Übungen
  2. Geschichte der TTM
  3. Wirkungsweise der TTM
  4. Die fünf kosmophysischen Elemente
  5. Die sechs Geschmacksrichtungen
  6. Jahreszeiten, Lebensstil und adäquate Ernährung
  7. Die Konstitutionstypen
  8. Typbestimmung gemäß TTM für jede/n TeilnehmerIn und Empfehlungen



FREITAG 18. Oktober
14:00 – 16:00 — Check-in im Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center
16:30 – 17:00 — Begrüßung und Orientierung im Yogaraum

17:30 – 18:30 — 1. Lu Jong Praxis
18:30 – Abendessen
20:00 – 21:00 – 1. Sitzung

SAMSTAG 19. Oktober
06.30 – Gong zum Wecken
07:00 – 08:00 – 2. Lu Jong Praxis
08.30 – Frühstück
09:30 – 10:30 – 2. Sitzung
10:45 – 11:30 – Karma Yoga
11.45 – 13:00 – 3. Sitzung
13:00 – Mittagessen und Pause
14:30 – 15:30 – 4. Sitzung
16.00 – 17.00 – 3. Lu Jong Praxis
17.30 – 18.30 – 5. Sitzung
18.30 – Abendessen
20.00 – 21.00 – 6. Sitzung

SONNTAG 20. Oktober
06.30 – Gong zum Wecken
07:00 – 08:00 – 4. Lu Jong Praxis
08.30 – Frühstück
09:30 – 10:30 – 7. Sitzung
10:45 – 11:30 – Karma Yoga
11.45 – 13:00 – 8. Sitzung
13:00 – Mittagessen und Abreise


Alle Lebensmittel und Getränke, besitzen die Eigenschaften der fünf Elemente und ergänzen unseren Körper mit den fünf Elementen. Eine gesunde Ernährung hilft, unseren Körper und unser Leben zu erhalten. Ungesunde Ernährung kann jedoch Krankheiten verursachen und uns das Leben nehmen. Daher ist es wichtig, Wissen über die Ernährung zu haben. (Yuthok Yonten Gonpo der Ältere, Vater der tibetischen Medizin).

Es ist wichtig, einen gesunden Körper und einen positiven Geisteszustand anzustreben. Natürlich hat jeder in gewissem Maße dieses Ziel, aber nur die Hoffnung zu hegen, genügt nicht. Wir alle wünschen uns, nicht unter Krankheiten oder Ausschweifungen zu leiden, sondern in guter körperlicher Verfassung zu sein. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen – oder jedes andere Ziel – ist ein weiterer geistiger Faktor nötig: der Entschluss, zu handeln. Wenn wir entschlossen sind und uns wirklich bemühen, ist alles möglich. (Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche, tibetischer Meister des Lu Jong)

Registrierung, Verpflegung und Unterkunft vor Ort

DANA (Spenden) an die LehrerInnen Barbara Klell und Peter Lukes sind nicht in den Anmeldekosten enthalten. Freiwillige Spenden an den LehrerInnen können vor Ort in eine dafür vorgesehene Spendenbox entrichtet werden.

Die Kosten für das Retreat beinhalten Mahlzeiten sowie eine geteilte Unterkunft im schönen Dzokden Kalapa Retreatzentrum. Bitte informieren Sie uns im Voraus ([email protected]), wenn Sie Allergien oder Essensunverträglichkeiten haben, oder es andere gesundheitliche oder psychische Bedingungen gibt, die wir beachten sollten. Wir können verschiedene für Männer und Frauen getrennte Schlafräume anbieten, die Platz für ein bis zu max. acht Personen bieten. Tatsächlich können wir aufgrund des verfügbaren Platzes keine Einzelzimmer garantieren.

Wenn Sie jedenfalls ein Einzelzimmer brauchen, stehen Ihnen verschiedene mögliche Unterkünfte in der Umgebung des Retreatzentrums in der Region Garanas und dem Ort Bad Schwanberg zur Verfügung. In diesem Fall wählen und buchen Sie bitte Ihre Unterkunft selbstständig.

Möglichkeit für Freiwilligentätigkeit

Unser spiritueller Leiter, Shar Khentrul Rinpoche, ermutigt uns nachdrücklich, uns gegenseitig durch ehrenamtliche Arbeit zu unterstützen. Für dieses Retreat gibt es eine offene Freiwilligenstelle für das Kochen (Frühstück, Mittagessen und ein leichtes Abendessen für die TeilnehmerInnen). Der Koch/die Köchin wird von einem Kochhelfer/einer Kochhelferin unterstützt.

Wenn Sie diese Möglichkeit in Betracht ziehen, schreiben Sie bitte so schnell wie möglich an [email protected], damit wir einen Videoanruf zur Planung Ihrer Teilnahme vereinbaren können. Wenn Sie sich für die gesamte Veranstaltung als Vollzeit-Freiwillige(r) entscheiden, können Sie kostenlos an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen, ohne sich als zahlende(r) TeilnehmerIn registrieren zu müssen. Der/die Vollzeit-Freiwillige kann zur Vorbereitung einen Tag früher anreisen.


Dzokden Kalapa, Garanas 41, Bad Schwanberg, PLZ 8541, Österreich, Südweststeiermark. Nächster Flughafen befindet sich in Graz, Österreich.

Mit dem Zug: Der Ausgangspunkt für Zugreisen nach Kalapa ist der Grazer Hauptbahnhof. Von dort kannst du die S-Bahn S6 oder S61 Richtung Wies-Eibiswald nehmen und circa eine Stunde zum Halt Bad Schwanberg fahren. (Fahrplanauskunft)

Für die Fahrt vom Bahnhof Bad Schwanberg steht ein relativ preiswerter, staatlich geförderter Taxidienst zur Verfügung, der dich direkt zum Retreatzentrum bringt, das von diesem Taxidienst als “Buddhistisches Zentrum” bezeichnet wird. Für weitere Informationen kannst du die Website von Regio Mobil besuchen. Dieses Taxi muss mindestens eine Stunde im Voraus bestellt werden, aber es wird empfohlen, es noch früher oder am Tag davor zu machen. An Werktagen verkehrt dieser Taxidienst zwischen 6.00 und 20.00 Uhr, an Wochenenden wird er am Abend nicht angeboten. Da die Fahrt recht lang ist (ca. 20 min), sollte der Service zumindest eine halbe Stunde vor den oben genannten Schließungszeiten geplant werden. Für Fahrten an Sonn- und Feiertagen bis 17.00 Uhr am Vortag bestellen! Bestellung: +43 (0)50 16 17 18 / Kosten: 6,00 € insgesamt, unabhängig davon, wie viele Personen das Taxi transportiert.

Mit dem Auto: Vom Autobahnknoten Graz-West (A2/A9) auf die A2 Richtung Klagenfurt/Italien fahren und die Abfahrt Lieboch nehmen. Dann weiter auf der Bundesstraße 76 Richtung Eibiswald. Nach ca. 30 km erreichst du Schwanberg. Am Ende des Hauptplatzes in Schwanberg links Richtung Garanas abbiegen. Nach der Brücke rechts in Richtung Garanas abbiegen und  der Beschilderung “Kalachakra Kalapa Center” bergauf für ca. 8 km bis zum Zentrum folgen.

1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Practice Retreat

1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Practice Retreat

in-person only
This page is for registration for the 1st VAJRA YOGA Practice Retreat Week(s).

WEEK 2: August 12th – 19th (7 nights)
WEEK 3: August 19th – August 26th (7 nights)
WEEK 4: August 26th – September 2nd (7 nights)

(How to register for one or multiple weeks? When registering below, simply select the start date of your participation, and the numbers 1, 2, or 3 of “tickets” corresponding to the number of weeks that you would like to attend.)

To register for the 1st VAJRA YOGA EMPOWERMENT, TEACHING, and RETREAT WEEK 1, you also need to additionally register here as well.

We are grateful to be able to offer a Practice Retreat on the 1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra at the Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center in the Austrian mountains. This retreat is a rare opportunity to practice similarly to how aspiring yogis practice during the traditional three-year Kalachakra retreat, in a uniquely beautiful natural Summer setting. This group retreat will support the participants in establishing their 1st Vajra Yoga practice. By having a solid foundation for their own individual practice after the retreat, practitioners will be better able to complete the 1st Vajra Yoga and prepare for the next Vajra Yoga. You are welcome to take part in any of the weeks of your choosing (choose the weeks below when registering).

This is the first time we have the precious chance to offer such a long retreat on the 1st Vajra Yoga in Europe, so do not miss this precious opportunity!

[Note for those who have already received the 1st Vajra Yoga in Tibet in 2019: Rinpoché encourages you to first attend the 1st Vajra Yoga Empowerment, Teaching, and Retreat Week 1 first, rather than directly attending the Practice Retreat in Weeks 2, 3, and 4. However, if you absolutely cannot and only want to attend the practice retreat, first send us an email to [email protected] explaining your reasons before proceeding with the registration. We will contact you to confirm whether or not this is possible for you. Decisions will be taken on a case-by-case basis.]

Online Meditation Guidance from Khentrul Rinpoche + In-person Retreat
Each participant can request a personal audience with Rinpoche (remotely via Zoom) to discuss their meditation progress and help alleviate any obstacles to their practice. Rinpoché may also join remotely to give a group teaching (upon participants’ request) if he feels that it is necessary. Rafa Lobsang Dorje will lead the practice retreat in-person with Rinpoche’s blessing. He received the 1st Vajra Yoga from Rinpoche in 2019 in Tibet and practiced it in group and solitary retreat settings.

All participants must have received the 1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra by Shar Khentrul Rinpoche. If you have not received them yet and have the aspiration to do so, there is the possibility (upon approval) of receiving them before this practice retreat. More infos and registration here

How to Prepare and Materials

How to prepare for this retreat: In addition to the longer sadhanas “Divine Ladder” and “Enlightening the Heart”, you will need to know the sadhana “Secret Dakini Treasure”. We encourage you to study all the sadhanas as much as you can, including the transliterations and chantings, because there will be some sessions of chanting in Tibetan without a recording during the retreat. 

During the retreat, Guru Puja and Kalachakra Tsok gatherings will also be held on special occasions. We strongly encourage you to additionally register for their two associated courses at our learning center to prepare yourself in advance so that you know the rituals very well beforehand. If you wish (not mandatory), bring your own vajra, bell, damaru, or other ritual instruments to use during the puja and tsok gatherings.

Materials: You can borrow printed texts of Guru Puja and Tsok from the temple to use during the event. Please bring your printed practice book “The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga”. You can also bring Rinpoche’s commentary “The Hidden Treasure,” “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 3,” and the 1st Vajra Yoga Booklet as a reference for your practice (everything on paper, as tablets, phones, or computers are not allowed after the strict retreat begins.) Other reading materials not directly related to the 1st Vajra Yoga are not allowed during the retreat period. Bring your blindfold and your meditation belt.

Retreat Information and Guidelines

The retreat will be closed and in silence. Participants are not allowed to receive visitors or use computers, tablet devices, mobile phones, and so forth. We can store personal phones and other electronic devices in our office. If someone needs to contact you in case of emergency, they can email [email protected] or call +43 676 395 8898. Both e-mailbox and phone will be checked at least once each day. Rinpoche advises participants to follow the retreat guidelines respectfully, not only for the success of their own practice, but also to avoid disturbing others. 

The daily schedule consists of four practice sessions and additional activities such as occasional pujas, watching Rinpoché’s recorded teachings, personal audiences and so forth. Participants are welcome to address their questions related to the practice in written form to the retreat leader. They can request personal audiences with Rinpoché (remotely via Zoom) as well. Participation in two daily group sessions is mandatory unless health conditions completely prevent you from taking part. The remaining two sessions can be practiced in your own room if you prefer. Practice sessions will be conducted in English and Tibetan. If you absolutely prefer, you can bring copies of the texts in your own language as well and read them silently while the group recites in English. 

Check-in and Check out between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. (If you absolutely need to leave earlier, that is possible. Just inform us in advance of your plans.)


The fee for the retreat includes three vegetarian meals and shared accommodations at the beautiful Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center. Please inform us ([email protected]) in advance if you have allergies, food intolerances, or other important health or mental conditions that we need to consider. We cannot promise space for individual rooms for participants of this event. However, you can alternatively bring your own tent and sleep outside near the Kalachakra Stupa (see registration options below). Please note: Parking in the area of Kalapa is very limited. If you are staying withus for the whole retreat, we encourage you to drop off then find a space to park at a distance (in the city, if possible) to help other travellers reach the site.

FAQ: Please note it takes incredible merit to have the conditions for this project to happen. If you cannot commit to attending for the entire duration of your choosen week(s), please let us know in advance the exact date and time of your earlier check-out. Please note that in this case we cannot offer you a special registration cost. The cost is for the event as a whole, regardless of whether you can stay for the entire period or not.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities This is a strict retreat, and participants should avoid engaging in too much physical activity and interacting with others unnecessarily. We need at least one volunteer to cook breakfast, lunch, and a light dinner for the participants. The volunteer cook will be able to enjoy all the areas in the retreat center except for the Kalachakra Temple itself where the participants will practice. Unlike the participants, volunteers can access electronic devices, the internet, and so forth. This is an extraordinary opportunity to generate merit and create the causes to be able to engage in this practice yourself in the future. Rinpoche strongly encourages us to support our dharma brothers and sisters by volunteering. If you already received the 1st Vajra Yoga Teachings and wish to volunteer as a cook, you can attend the practice retreat for free if you so wish. Otherwise, during your stay, we can provide free access to an online course or recorded retreat at our digital learning center if you would like to support your practice and study while you are volunteering; additionally, you can also choose a dharma book of your choice in our Kalapa Shop that Kalapa will give you as a gift.

If you are considering this opportunity, please write as soon as possible to [email protected], so that we can arrange a video call to plan your participation. You can also volunteer for only a portion of the event rather than for the whole retreat; you can offer as much as possible according to your capability. 

How to get to Kalapa?

Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center, Garanas 41, Bad Schwanberg, zip code 8541, Austria, Südweststeiermark. The nearest airport is in Graz, Austria. To travel to Kalapa by train, start at the main train station in Graz. From there, take the S6 or S61 S-Bahn towards Wies-Eibiswald for about an hour to the Bad Schwanberg station. (timetable information)

To travel from the Bad Schwanberg train station to the retreat center, a relatively inexpensive taxi service supported by the government is available that will take you directly to the Retreat Center, which is referred to as “Buddhistisches Zentrum” by this taxi service. For more information, please visit the following website: Regio Mobil. The taxi must be ordered at least one hour in advance, but visitors are recommended to do so much earlier or on the day before you intend to arrive. On weekdays, this taxi service operates between the hours of 6.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. On weekends it does not operate during the evening. As the journey is quite long (about 20 minutes), the service should be scheduled at least half an hour before the closing hours provided above. For trips on Sundays or public holidays please schedule the taxi service by 5 p.m. on the day before you intend to arrive.

To order: +43 (0)50 16 17 18 Cost: €6.00 total regardless of how many people are taking the taxi. Alternatively you can book a normal taxi service or similar.

By car: From the Graz-West motorway junction (A2/A9), get on the A2 towards Klagenfurt/Italy and take the Lieboch exit. Then, continue on Federal Road 76 towards Eibiswald. After about 30 km, you will reach Schwanberg. At the end of the main square in Schwanberg, turn left towards Garanas. After the bridge, turn right towards Garanas and follow the signs to “Kalachakra Kalapa Center” uphill for about 8 km to reach the center.

Dana for Khentrul Rinpoche

DANA for KHENTRUL RINPOCHE Khentrul Rinpoche has kindly agreed to give audiences remotely and to support the retreat leader and organizers. If you wish to additionally show your generosity to Rinpoche’s precious teachings and to his immense efforts for the Kalachakra Dharma, you can offer Dana for Rinpoche on the Dzokden website here

1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Empowerment, Teachings & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoché

1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Empowerment, Teachings & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoché

in-person only
August 2nd – 12th (10 nights)

This page is registration for the 1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Empowerment, Teachings & Retreat (week 1 only). If you would like to participate in the following retreat weeks 2, 3, and 4, you need to register here as well.

After repeated requests from individuals and groups over the last years, Rinpoché has finally accepted the request to teach the 6 Vajra Yogas of Kalachakra for the first time in Europe. This will be a milestone in the history of Kalachakra practice in the West. Rinpoché will come once a year to teach each Vajra Yoga over the next years. Moreover, Rinpoché has made an effort to clarify the conditions for participation in a way that gets back to the essence and allows practitioners with family and work commitments to fulfill the requirements. This is a precious and incredibly rare opportunity and we are delighted to be able to offer it at Kalapa.

For this year 2024 Rinpoché will bestow the 1st Vajra Yoga. To ensure the success of students on their paths, Rinpoche will only bestow it to pre-approved students who genuinely wish to deepen their practice. To bring more clarity to the preparation process, we have prepared an additional explanation. Regardless of whether you are a new or veteran practitioner, Rinpoché requests that everyone takes the time to read it. Download here:

2024 – Conditions for Higher Empowerments for the Wensum and 1st Vajra Yoga.

For new participants, after reading these conditions, and if you have already received the 4 Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra with Rinpoché, we welcome you to present yourself as a candidate by sending your application here. Only upon approval will you be able to proceed with registration. Veteran practitioners who have already taken part in the 1st Vajra Yoga Retreat in Tibet in 2019 can confirm their commitments in the form below when registering.

About the Event and Schedule

Upon completion of the two outer, the five inner, and the two unique preliminary practices of the Kalachakra Path, we are ready to enter the indestructible and profound path of the Six Vajra Yogas. These advanced yogic techniques are like a wish-fulfilling jewel with the capacity to grant us everything our hearts desire in the blink of an eye. For a diligent practitioner whose mind is sufficiently pure, enlightenment can be achieved within only a few short human years. Even mastery of a single vajra yoga is enough to ensure one is never again reborn into the suffering cycle of death and rebirth.” (Khentrul Rinpoche, “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 3”)

The event encompasses 1) two days of preparations with Preliminary Practices, Pujas, Kalachakra-Tsok, and a walk in the nature with Rinpoche, 2) The Four Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra (Rinpoché will bestow them again for the sake of your spiritual progress), 3) Teaching-Transmission of the 1st Vajra Yoga Practice, 4) a printed booklet about the 1st Vajra Yoga in English, 5) If needed, a personal audiences with Rinpoche (upon request), 6) one week of Retreat with practice sessions guided by senior students, as well as 7) food and accommodations at the Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center. 

SCHEDULE (10 nights)

2nd August afternoon – arrivals and welcome meeting with introductions (check-in 2 PM – 4 PM

3rd August Kalachakra Preliminary Practices, Guru Puja Ritual and Kalachakra-Tsok, Walk in the nature around Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center with Rinpoche

4th August  – new moon – Puja and Four Higher Empowerments for the 1st Yoga participants 

5th – 12th August – Teaching-Transmission of the 1st Vajra Yoga, 1st Vajra Yoga Retreat (week 1); personal audiences with Rinpoche

12th August – concluding Tsok and check-out after lunch (if you wish, you can stay longer for weeks 2, 3 and 4 by registering here)

How to Prepare and Materials

How to prepare for this retreat: We strongly encourage you to prepare yourself as much as you can with all the 9 Kalachakra Preliminary Practices. In addition to the longer sadhanas “Divine Ladder” and “Enlightening the Heart”, you will need to know the sadhana “Secret Dakini Treasure”. We encourage you to study all the sadhanas as much as you can, including the transliterations and chantings, because there will be some sessions of chanting in Tibetan without a recording during the retreat. We strongly recommend that you also register here for the Summer Wensum retreat so that you can be better prepared for the 1st Yoga Retreat.

During the retreat, Guru Puja and Kalachakra Tsok gatherings will also be held on special occasions. We strongly encourage you to additionally register for their two associated courses at our learning center to prepare yourself in advance so that you know the rituals very well beforehand. If you wish (not mandatory), bring your own vajra, bell, damaru, or other ritual instruments to use during the puja and tsok gatherings.

Materials: You can borrow printed texts of Guru Puja and Tsok from the temple to use during the event. Please bring your printed practice book “The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga” and your “Four Higher Empowerments” Booklet. You can also bring Rinpoche’s commentary “The Hidden Treasure” and “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 3” as a reference for your practice (everything on paper, as tablets, phones, or computers are not allowed after the strict retreat begins.) Other reading materials not directly related to the 1st Vajra Yoga are not allowed during the retreat period. You need to bring your blindfold and your meditation belt. If you have already participated before, bring also your 1st Vajra Yoga Booklet. 

Retreat Information and Guidelines

After the Empowerments on August 4th, the strict retreat will begin. The retreat will be closed and in silence. During this period, participants are not allowed to receive visitors or use computers, tablet devices, mobile phones, and so forth. We can store personal phones and other electronic devices in our office. If someone needs to contact you in case of emergency, they can email [email protected] or call +43 676 395 8898. Both e-mailbox and phone will be checked at least once each day. Rinpoche advises participants to follow the retreat guidelines respectfully, not only for the success of their own practice, but also to avoid disturbing others. 

The daily schedule consists of four practice sessions and additional activities such as occasional pujas, teachings, interviews, and so forth. Participation in two daily group sessions is mandatory unless health conditions completely prevent you from taking part. The remaining two sessions can be practiced in your own room if you prefer. Practice sessions will be conducted in English and Tibetan. If you absolutely prefer, you can bring copies of the texts in your own language as well and read them silently while the group recites in English. 


The fee for the retreat includes three vegetarian meals and shared accommodations at the beautiful Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center. Please inform us ([email protected]) in advance if you have allergies, food intolerances, or other important health or mental conditions that we need to consider. We cannot offer space for individual rooms for participants of this event. However, you can alternatively bring your own tent and sleep outside near the Kalachakra Stupa (see registration options below). Please note: Parking in the area of Kalapa is very limited. If you are staying with us for the whole retreat, we encourage you to drop off then find a space to park at a distance (in the city, if possible) to help other travellers reach the site.

Off-Site Accommodations If you absolutely need an individual room, many options for accommodations are available near the retreat center’s area, in the Garanas region, and in the town Bad Schwanberg. In this case, please search for and book the necessary reservations yourself. 

FAQ:  Please note it takes incredible merit to have the conditions for this project to happen. 1) We have made a large effort to keep the cost reasonable. We encourage practitioners to save up and create the conditions to participate. In the past, people have given everything they had to the Master for this opportunity. 2) If you cannot commit to attending for the entire period, please let us know in advance the exact date and time of your earlier check-out. Please note that in this case we cannot offer you a special registration cost. The cost is for the event as a whole, regardless of whether you can stay for the entire period or not.

Volunteer Opportunities

This is a strict retreat, and participants should avoid engaging in too much physical activity and interacting with others unnecessarily. We need one volunteer to cook breakfast, lunch, and a light dinner for the participants, and a cook helper. The volunteers will be able to enjoy all the areas in the retreat center except for the Kalachakra Temple itself where the participants will practice. Unlike the participants, the external volunteers can access electronic devices, the internet, and so forth. This is an extraordinary opportunity to generate merit and create the causes to be able to engage in this practice yourself in the future. Rinpoche strongly encourages us to support our dharma brothers and sisters by volunteering. 

If you are considering this opportunity, please write as soon as possible to [email protected], so that we can arrange a video call to plan your participation. You can also volunteer for only a portion of the event rather than for the whole retreat; you can offer as much as possible according to your capability. That being said, we prefer the participation of someone who can commit to the whole period. During your stay, we can provide free access to an online course or recorded retreat at our digital learning center if you would like to support your practice and study while you are volunteering. You can also choose a dharma book of your choice in our Kalapa Shop that Kalapa will give you as a gift.

How to get to Kalapa?

Dzokden Kalapa Retreat Center, Garanas 41, Bad Schwanberg, zip code 8541, Austria, Südweststeiermark. The nearest airport is in Graz, Austria. To travel to Kalapa by train, start at the main train station in Graz. From there, take the S6 or S61 S-Bahn towards Wies-Eibiswald for about an hour to the Bad Schwanberg station. (Timetable information)

To travel from the Bad Schwanberg train station to the retreat center, a relatively inexpensive taxi service supported by the government is available that will take you directly to the Retreat Center, which is referred to as “Buddhistisches Zentrum” by this taxi service. For more information, please visit the following website: Regio Mobil. The taxi must be ordered at least one hour in advance, but visitors are recommended to do so much earlier or on the day before you intend to arrive. On weekdays, this taxi service operates between the hours of 6.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. On weekends it does not operate during the evening. As the journey is quite long (about 20 minutes), the service should be scheduled at least half an hour before the closing hours provided above. For trips on Sundays or public holidays please schedule the taxi service by 5 p.m. on the day before you intend to arrive.

To order: +43 (0)50 16 17 18 Cost: €6.00 total regardless of how many people are taking the taxi. Alternatively you can book a normal taxi service or similar.

By car: From the Graz-West motorway junction (A2/A9), get on the A2 towards Klagenfurt/Italy and take the Lieboch exit. Then, continue on Federal Road 76 towards Eibiswald. After about 30 km, you will reach Schwanberg. At the end of the main square in Schwanberg, turn left towards Garanas. After the bridge, turn right towards Garanas and follow the signs to “Kalachakra Kalapa Center” uphill for about 8 km to reach the center.

Hatha Yoga Kurs

Hatha Yoga Kurs

Nur vor Ort. Sprache: Deutsch. (Language: German)

Herbst-Kurs | Montags — Uhrzeit: 18:00 bis 19:30 | 

Wer kann teilnehmen? Diese Veranstaltung ist für alle Interessierte offen, es gibt keine Voraussetzungen zur Teilnahme.

Über den Kurs

Hatha Yoga ist eine alte Praxis, die das Gleichgewicht und das Verständnis der uns immer umgebenden natürlichen Gegensätze fördert: „Ha“ repräsentiert die Sonne, „Tha“ den Mond und „Hatha“ deren Vereinigung. Gemeinsam lernen wir verschiedene Körperübungen (Asanas) kennen und praktizieren. Darüber hinaus, lenken wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit bewusst auf den Atem und üben die Wahrnehmung unseres Körpers und Geistes.

Die Kursleiterin Kerstin Rotter erhielt ihre Yoga Allianz Zertifizierung vom Santosh Puri Ashram, an den Ufern des Ganges, in Haridwar Indien, im Jahr 2016. Die von ihr angeleitete Yoga Mondzyklus Sequenz gestaltet sich rund um die 5 Elemente – Erde, Wasser, Feuer, Wind und Raum – mit dem Ziel die feinstofflichen Energiezentren unseres Körpers zu reinigen und Blockaden zu lösen. 

Indem wir Balance im Inneren finden, wird es uns möglich diesen Frieden zu kultivieren und nach außen zu tragen.


.Angeleitete Meditation (Body Scan)

. Atemübungen (Pranayama)

. Körperübungen (Asanas)

. Entspannungsrituale (Selbstfürsorge)


Kosten & Anmeldemöglichkeiten  

Nach persönlicher Einschätzung zwischen € 96 und € 128 für den Kurs. Du kannst mit Kreditkarte oder Paypal fortfahren (s.u.). Wenn du mit Lastschrift oder elektronischer Überweisung an unser Bankkonto zahlen möchtest, wähle diese Option beim Check-out an der Kassa. Auch Barzahlung am 30. September vor Ort ist möglich.

DANA für die Yogalehrerin 

Dana (freiwillige Spenden) an die Yogalehrerin sind nicht in den Anmeldekosten enthalten. Wenn du spenden möchtest, können freiwillige Spenden an die Lehrerin vor Ort in eine Spendenbox am ersten oder letzten Kurstag gegeben werden, oder während des Kurses mittels eines Umschlags direkt an die Lehrerin.