Dzokden Kalapa's 2-Year Ngondro Program 2023 - 2025: Join Any Time!

This program is for you if you want structure and support to start, continue, or complete the Kālachakra Ngondro.

The Kālachakra Ngondro Program is a 2-year long program created for students/practitioners who want to deepen themselves in the Kālachakra Path in a structured, step-by-step guided process.

The Ngondro — also called the “Preliminary Practices” — prepares you to uncover your own Buddha nature. If you want to completely unveil this perfect nature, the Kālachakra Ngondro prepares you for the very subtle and profound yogic practices of the Completion Stage called the ‘Six Vajra Yogas’ of the Kālachakra Tantra. You can benefit by doing the Kālachakra Ngondro even if you do not aspire to engage in serious meditation practices of the Kālachakra Completion Stage in this lifetime.

Our spiritual director, Shar Khentrul Rinpoché, offers a flexible approach in order to embrace a variety of practitioners because being fixed on only one traditional way may not be a match for everyone. Developing familiarization with the Kālachakra Ngondro practices can be adjusted individually according to your own personal inclination.

Details of the Program

The program is open to all. There are no formal prerequisites for Modules 1-7. Although we encourage step-by-step participation, you are allowed to directly register for any module (except modules 8 and 9).

Generally speaking, the Kalachakra Ngondro Program is for you if you wish for long-term and regular support in your dharma practice, regardless if you are starting now or if you have been practicing previously. More specifically, modules 1-7 are shaped to help you prepare for receiving the 1st set of Kalachakra Empowerments (“Seven Empowerments of a Growing Child”), also known as the Kalachakra Initiation, and for receiving in the future the “Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments” if you so aspire.

That being said, you are more than welcome to just drop in to make a first connection and see how the practice reverberates with you—in this case, the modules 1-4 may be more suitable.

Rafa Lobsang Dorje

Rafa Lobsang Dorje

Program Instructor

Rafa Lobsang Dorje (Rafael Nassif) started his contact with Buddhism in 2008, after practicing in other systems of spiritual practice in his homeland Brazil. In Europe, India and Tibet he had precious opportunities to receive teachings, transmissions, and empowerments from masters from almost all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and from the Theravāda Tradition as well, and took part in different group and solitary retreats. He was fortunate to met his precious Guru Jamphel Lodrö (Shar Khentrul Rinpoche) in Austria in 2015, from whom he has been receiving a vast and profound wealth of Dharma, since the foundational subjects until the Kālachakra Vajra Yogas. Since 2016 he has been teaching Lu Jong (Tibetan Healing Yoga). In 2018 he received authorisation from Rinpoche to teach the Kālachakra-Ngöndro. Since 2020 he reduced his professional activities as a composer in order to serve the altruistic ideals of his Guru as a full-time volunteer. He serves the community a.o. as a musician, translator, editorial coordinator, editor, retreat leader, and event coordinator of the Kalapa program.

Upcoming Modules

Enroll in one of the upcoming Ngondro Modules to participate in real time through Zoom. Nothing compares to the support of your vajra brothers and sisters on this path as well as access to real-time guidance. 

November 2024
January 2025
March 2025
No event found!

previously recorded modules

You can start our program at any time. Join a previously recorded module. You can take just one of them or all of them in the sequence. All of the pre-recorded courses are available through

Module 1: 4 ConvicTions of Renunciation

Transition away from a life driven by samsāric attachment towards a life focused on Dharma. 

Module 2: Connecting to the Lineage

Fill the mind with devotion towards the lineage and find inspiration to follow in their footsteps.

Module 3: Taking Refuge

The first obstacle to practicing a path is the belief that we can do it on our own.


The extraordinary altrustic intention to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings.