Monthly Membership (don’t put live)

SKU: 4245 Category:


We are a volunteer-run organization. We rely on the support of our community and private sponsors whose contributions make our projects and events possible.

Offer your support so that the Dzoken Kalapa can offer all of its practice sessions, teachings, and retreats in an accessible way. Support Dzokden Kalapa’s mission of serving the Guru, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Help fulfill Khentrul Rinpoche’s aspirations of the Golden Age by making this merit together with us through your act of offering.

By helping us achieve financial self-sustainability, we can focus all our resources on bringing as much benefit to the international community as possible. With this donation, we strive to create the foundation of long term sustainability for our center. We want to ensure the full Kalachkra path is available for future generations. Help us ensure a place for them to learn and practice the Jonang Kalachakra in Europe.

May the merits of this act of generosity become the cause for the Dzokden Dharma to flourish in this world, and in so doing, may we manifest a golden age of peace and harmony in our world.