Support our Effort to Share the Dharma

Offer GENEROSITY AS support

We rely on the support of our community and private sponsors whose contributions make our projects and events possible. Offer your support so that DZOKDEN KALAPA can continue offering all its practice sessions, teachings, and retreats and be an inspiring place for visitors and practitioners

The funds raised will go towards organizing inspiring opportunities to develop wisdom and compassion, creating the causes for us to manifest projects for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The donations are considered unrestricted contributions, which allows DZOKDEN KALAPA to carry out its mission efficiently by allocating resources where most needed. If you prefer to make a specific donation instead, you are welcome to donate to one of our featured fundraising campaigns at the bottom of the page.

DZOKDEN KALAPA  | Verein für die Verwirklichung eines vollkommenen goldenen Zeitalters von Frieden und Harmonie

Account: AT 51 2081 5000 4583 3464 | (Bankleitzahl: 20815)


Bank Address: Sparkassenplatz 4, 8010 (zip code), Graz (city)

May the merits from this act of generosity become the cause for all beings to attain the state of a fully enlightened being!

Dzokden Annual Fund – Offering of Your Chocie

Donate to Dzokden Kalapa's Annual Fund


The Practice of Generosity

The foundation of the Buddhist path is generosity. It is the basis upon which we remove our attachment and focus on the needs of others. For this reason, we have developed a generosity-based model in which we try to offer the opportunity to give back and attend events at an affordable cost. However, in order for us to be able to make the Dharma accessible in this way, we need the financial support to sponsor these offerings. In this way we create a chain of giving in which each act of generosity gives rise to new opportunities and new ways of supporting each other as we work towards manifesting a Golden Age of peace and harmony.

Sponsor projects

Your generosity gives us the power to make the teachings of the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony accessible in Europe


Offer your support so that Kalapa can maintain and repair the blessed Kālachakra Stūpa

Sponsor an offering to the Buddhas

Support the offerings intended for the beautiful shrine for the Kālachakra statue.

Sponsor Dharma Texts

Support the Tibetan Canon for the shrine and Kālachakra books for our library