Learn authentic Meditation and Yoga to work with the subtle bodytransform your inner reality
We offer a complete and authentic yogic and meditative path of transformation. Dzokden Kalapa uniquely holds both the beginning and completion stages of Kalachakra meditation through the 6 Vajra Yogas to enlightenment. Our friendly staff of Dharma practitioners will warmly and patiently guide you from the beginning stages of Hatha Yoga and meditation.

Lujong and Hatha Yoga
We offer weekly classes and retreats in traditional a variety of traditional yogic practices including indian hatha yoga and healing yoga of Lujong. See the schedule below for upcoming sessions.

6 VAjra Yoga Program
The Jonang Kalachakra completion stage, the 6 Vajra Yogas, is the highest and most profound tantric yogic practice. Dzokden Kalapa is the only center in the world outside of Tibet to offer this practice to qualified non-monastic practioners.

Authentic Meditation Instruction
We offer yearly retreats in Shamatha and Vipassana meditation. Learn the stages of Meditation authentically and get help along your journey. While meditation can help relieve anxiety and improve concentration, it has much more profound benefits when learned properly.
Yoga & Meditation Schedule
June 2025
Anleitung zur MEDITATION – Wochenendretreat in den Bergen
July 2025
Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra & Dark Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoché
1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Empowerment, Teachings & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoché
1st Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Empowerment, Teachings & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoché
August 2025
2nd Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Empowerment, Teachings & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoché
2nd Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Practice Retreat
2nd Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Practice Retreat
2nd Vajra Yoga of Kalachakra: Practice Retreat