Facility Rental Inquiry

We will be in touch with availability, further questions and quotes. Any program that takes place in the Kalachakra Temple will require the agreement of the Board for it’s use.

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* Indicates required question

Have you had an event at Dzokden Kalapa before?
Dzokden Kalapa:  Facility Rental Inquiry 
Your Name*
Phone Number*
Email Address*
Your Country of Residence?
Link to Company / Personal Website
Have you had an event at Dzokden Kalapa before?*
Yes / No
If yes can you remind us when?
What type of Event are you looking to HOst
Retreat, Wedding, Memorial, School Trip
How many days/ nights would your event be?*
What are your preferred dates?*
Please list up to 3 date ranges, in your order of preference
How many attndees to you hope to host?

Are your attendees
Over 18 Years old   Under 18 years old 

Type of group / retreat
What style of programming will you offer?  Please check all that apply
Buddhist Philosophy
Vajrayana Empowerment, Ritual or Retreat
If they check the Vajrayana Empwoerment Ritaul or Retreat
Which Vajrayana Master are you looking to host?
name entry fielld
Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, Jonang, Gelug, Bön, other pleaes right n
Do you have any specific requirements for your event or questions for us?
Is there anything that you would require to fully capture your retreat experience?