Personal and Group Retreats to Deepen your Understanding and Experience
June 2025
July 2025
August 2025
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Practice-focused retreats

In modern times, the Dharma is widely available in written and oral form. It is also more common to receive empowerments and teachings online. We focus on connecting and supporting global practitioners by creating a loving community environment where you can put your practice into action.  Pay-it-forward by generously offering selfless service to others by volunteering in the kitchen or deepen your understanding practice through one of our group practice retreats.

Personal Retreats

We offer the opportunity for dedicated practioners to come and stay in our dormitory to undertake personal retreats at select times of the year.

Self-Paced Online Retreats

Dzokden offers you many of courses and retreats in English and other languages in a self-paced format in Dzokden’s Learning Center.

Generation Stage Retreat

For Kalachakra Initiates

This self-paced program is for Kalachakra Initiates introducing the profound practices of the Kalachakra generation stage through a series of sadhanas written by the great Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen.



Innate Kalachakra Retreat

For Kalachakra Initiaties

For those who have received the Kalachakra Initiation and are working on the Generation Stage retreat, this is both good for introduction and for accumulation of the Innate Kalachakra mantra..



Ngondro Mandala Offering

Open to Anyone

For students exploring or working on the Kalachakra Ngondro, this is a great opportunity to flexibly learn to work with the practice of Mandala offerings to realize the 2 accumulations of merit and wisdom.

