Kalachakra Ngondro Program | MODULE 5: Vajrasattva Purification De
ONLINE. This program will be in English. We will not be able to offer live translations in any other language, however, we can offer access to the practice texts in various languages. Please send in your registration at the bottom as soon as you decide to register so that we can plan accordingly.
Later registration and start is possible because the sessions are recorded. Moreover, there are no prerequisites for Module 5. You can register directly even if you did not participate in Modules 1, 2, 3, or 4. In case you want to have access to these previous Modules (recommended), please find them at the learning center: MODULE 1, MODULE 2, MODULE 3, MODULE 3, MODULE 4.
MODULE 5: Vajrasattva Purification
Weekend Webinar: 4th – 6th October
FRIDAY 4th October
18.30 – 20.00
SATURDAY 5th October
10.00 – 11.30
14.00 – 15:30
18.30 – 20.00
SUNDAY 6th October
10.00 – 11.30
+ 2 Practice Sessions (Wednesdays: October 9th and 16th, 18.30 – 20:00)
+ Homework
+ 1 Group Discussion on Wednesday 23rd October (18.30 – 20.00)
Vajrasattva Purification Practice: in this practice, we work with the enlightened deity Vajrasattva as a support for dissolving our gross self-grasping. Through various visualizations and the recitation of the long Vajrasattva Heruka mantra, we are reminded of the innate purity of our mind and that everything we identify with is merely an imputed reality with no inherent existence.
In the Jonang Tradition, this section of the Ngondro focuses on the powerful form of Buddha Vajrasattva in union with the wisdom consort Vajratopa to clear away any negative deeds (and their propensities) from our minds. We will present the practice step by step explaining its meanings and its relevance for the Kālachakra Path. Two Kālachakra Sādhanas, “Divine Ladder” and “Enlightening the Heart” will be used.
The Kalachakra Ngondro Program is a 2-year long program created for students who want to deepen themselves in the Kalachakra Path in a structured, step-by-step guided process.
The Ngondro — also called the “Preliminary Practices” — prepares you to uncover your own Buddha nature. If you want to completely unveil this perfect nature, the Kalachakra Ngondro prepares you for the very subtle and profound yogic practices of the Completion Stage called the ‘Six Vajra Yogas’ of the Kalachakra Tantra. You can benefit by doing the Kalachakra Ngondro even if you do not aspire to engage in serious meditation practices of the Kalachakra Completion Stage in this lifetime.
Shar Khentrul Rinpoché offers a flexible approach in order to embrace a variety of practitioners because being fixed on only one traditional way may not be a match for everyone. Developing familiarization with the Kalachakra Ngondro practices can be adjusted individually according to your own personal inclination.
Rafa Lobsang Dorje from Kalapa received 2018 Rinpoché’s encouragement to teach the Kalachakra Ngondro and will kindly lead this program.
The program is open to all. There are no formal prerequisites for Modules 1 – 7.
Although we encourage step-by-step participation, you are allowed to directly register for any module (except modules 8 and 9).
Generally speaking, the Kalachakra Ngondro Program is for you if you wish for long-term and regular support in your dharma practice, regardless if you are starting now or if you have been practicing previously. More specifically, modules 1-7 are shaped to help you prepare for receiving the 1st set of Kalachakra Empowerments (“Seven Empowerments of a Growing Child”), also known as the Kalachakra Initiation, and for receiving in the future the “Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments” if you so aspire. That being said, you are more than welcome to just drop in to make a first connection and see how the practice reverberates with you — in this case, the modules 1 – 4 may be more suitable.
We encourage all new participants to get a copy of Shar Khentrul Rinpoché’s books; Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 1-3, The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path and the Practice Book The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga, as these will be the main references for our program.
Optionally, in case you are waiting for the module to start, you are encouraged to read Rinpoché’s other books, such as Ocean of Diversity and The Realm of Shambhala.
Structure of the Modules
The program follows the structure of the Kalachakra Path as presented by the Jonang-Kalachakra Tradition of Tibetan Buddhsim. It is divided into Outer Preliminaries (2 modules), Inner Preliminaries (5 modules), and Unique Preliminaries (2 modules).
Each module includes a weekend-webinar of teachings and practice led by an authorized Ngongdro Teacher and by practices guided by other senior students approved by Rinpoché, followed by two group practice sessions of ca. 90 min. each and one Dharma discussion session where questions can be addressed to the Ngondro Teacher and where you can exchange with other participants. The schedule of the weekend-webinar may vary slightly from module to module.
Register below. Before the module starts, please make sure to send an e-mail to [email protected] briefly answering the following questions (only in case you did not yet send them when registering for another previous module). Your registration will be automatic and do not depend on the answers provided. The questions below are just for us shaping the module to registered participants.
1. What are your Motivations for participating in this program? What are your goals?
2. Do you have the aspiration to participate in more than one module or in all of the modules?
3. Are you a student of Shar Khentrul Rinpoché? If yes, which online empowerment(s), retreat(s) or course(s) have you completed with Rinpoché or with one of his authorized Teachers? Please include details about them, including dates etc. if applicable.
4. This program is open also to beginners. You can join even if you never practiced any spiritual path at all. Just in case you have something to share about your previous spiritual path, including both Buddhist Studies or Practices and from other traditions as well, please write them in a summarized form, if applicable.
5. Do you have any specific questions or doubts about the Kalachakra Ngondro Program?