Moon Cycle Mantra — 21 Taras Practice on the Dakini Day
As the moon begins to wane, we focus on purification so that we can clear away any obstacles existing in our minds and thus prepare ourselves to realize our most sacred truth.
6.30 PM – 7.45 PM Vienna time (CET/CEST)
We practice on most Dakini Days (25th day of the moon calendar)
You can come to all monthly sessions or just drop in. No registration is required.
“Deity accomplished in previous lives; Goddess of the enlightened activity of all buddhas of the three times; Swift and peaceful heroine, green in color, with one face, and two hands; May I grasp the good fortune of you, the mother who brandishes the utpala!” (excerpt of the Tara Sadhana)
You do not necessarily need to have specific empowerment or initiation to participate. For a copy of the practice text and to learn more about the practice in-depth, you can take the 21 Taras self-paced retreat at the Dzokden Learning Center.
Zoom-Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83986426525?pwd=dTJ5TEhUK042UVVCZGRUdi94M2JxUT09
Meeting-ID: 839 8642 6525 Code: 632008
Open to everyone (free admission). Donations for Dzokden Kalapa are welcome. If you would like to show your appreciation to Dzokden Kalapa for organizing this practice session, please support our work by making an offering below or here.
Sangye Cshenma (Tímea Moldovan)
She has been a student of Khentrul Rinpoche since 2014, going on many pilgrimages and teachings with him, as to India in 2017 and Tibet in 2019. She assisted Rinpoche in the realization of many events in Europe. Since 2020 she has been offering regularly live interpretation in Hungarian for Rinpoche’s online teachings.