Articles of Association

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Association for the Manifestation of the Ultimate Golden Age of Peace and Harmony

1. Name, registered office and field of activity

  1. The association, which is nonprofit-oriented, bears the name Dzokden Kalapa and its registered office is 8541 Bad Schwanberg, Austria.
  2. Its field of activity extends to the whole world, with a focus on Austria and Europe. The financial year corresponds to the calendar year.
  3. Functional designations in these statutes must be understood in all gender forms.


  1. The association, which is nonprofit- oriented, pursues exclusively and directly charitable and ecclesiastical purposes in accordance with §§ 34-47 of the Federal Fiscal Code. It is not aimed at generating profit. Purposes that are not privileged within the meaning of §§ 34ff BAO are fully subordinate to the privileged purposes and are pursued with a maximum of 10% of the total funds. The Association promotes an unbiased spiritual path that appreciates the value of all wisdom traditions. This path fosters harmony, peace, tolerance and compassion. It is the most in-depth path of Tibetan Buddhist highest yoga tantra, the profound path of vajra yoga. Aligned with the vision of Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche, the Association aims to establish Dzokden Kalapa as a centre focused on spiritual growth and the preservation of Dzokden dharma and Kalachakra teachings, with an emphasis on Austria and Europe in collaboration with Dzokden, a registered USA religious Non-profit, (EIN 83-0930746) that is spreading the Jonang Kalachakra and Golden Age teachings of Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche globally.
  2. In addition to its spiritual mission, Dzokden Kalapa fosters community development by creating a culture of mutual respect, spiritual growth, and sustainability through local collaborations.
  3. Ultimately, the Association is manifesting the Golden Age vision in our society inspired by the transformation in Shambala.
  4. The association is a member of the Austrian Buddhist Union (ÖBR).

Activities and non-material means to achieve the purpose of the organisation

  1. Teaching the complete path of the Jonang Shambhala Kalachakra Tantra from the beginning stages through the completion stage. This path contains astrology, traditional medicine, Yoga asanas, profound rituals, mantras and prayers, promotes a flexible mind able to navigate tantric ethics, warrior like compassion that will help all beings, religious tolerance and understanding to accept each other´s limitations, and tantric buddhist philosophy and sciences. These teachings have a direct link to world peace so the inner peace our Buddhist members achieve, helps create peace in the community and the world.
  2. Offering opportunities to participate in volunteer projects that create space for realizing our natural human potential, both as members and Buddhist practitioners and people with interest.
  3. Ultimately, the Association is manifesting the Golden Age vision in our society inspired by the transformation in Shambala.
  4. Supporting Dzokden initiatives for the Association and the wider community.
  5. Organizing training courses, retreats, and workshops to cultivate realization from the beginning stages up to the highest attainment of lineage holders of the Jonang Kalachakra profound path of vajra yoga.
  6. Hosting informational events and engaging in public relations efforts.
  7. Organizing public ceremonies to raise awareness and interest in Buddhist practices and Dzokden.
  8. Providing translation services for sacred Tibetan Buddhist texts into European languages.
  9. Producing and selling physical and online course materials – including books and religious items necessary for practising the teachings – through a shop.
  10. Managing and maintaining a digital online presence to foster community connection and involvement, bring awareness and disseminate these teachings in Austria and Europe, not limited to but including social media, websites, and mobile applications
  11. The Association offers structured educational programs, including retreats, Vajra Yogas, Ngöndro practices, workshops, and translation efforts to make Dzokden dharma teachings accessible to a broader audience.