About Us

Dzokden Kalapa Community: Based in Austria, Connected Worldwide

Actualize Your Innate Potential

Dzokden Kalapa, located in Austria, offer a practical and balanced approach for everyone to manifest innate peace and harmony through the profound wisdom of Kālachakra. 

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Retreats and Teachings


We offer weekend to month long practice focused retreats that build understanding of the teachings and community. Our in-person practices offer a balanced approach incorporating asana, meditation, rituals, selfless-service and time for self-reflection.

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residential volunteer program

For students who want to experience a rapid form of transformation and giving, we offer a few residential volunteer positions. These individuals provide all the retreats and experiences at Kalapa while cultivating the paramitas of diligence and patience.

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offer service

You can transform all aspects of life into the Dharma path. Offering service to the Guru and Community gives the opportunity to develop the habit and skill to see how offering  your worldly skills such as accounting, publishing, legal, translation or marketing can also be Dharma practice.

Our Vision

We want each and every person in the world to see that there is a path for them. Everyone can unlock their innate infinite blissful potential. When we transform ourselves, we have the power to transform our whole world.  In this video, Khentrul Rinpoche explains how Unity and personal transformation are the keys to a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.

Our namesake

Kalāpa is the heart of the Sublime Realm of Śhambhala. This name was bestowed on our center by H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. Our Kālachakra Stūpa was consecrated by monks of his traditions’ Namgyal Monastery led by Jhado Rinpoché, and our fully renovated Kālachakra Temple is home to a life-size Kālachakra Statue used at H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama’s Kālachakra Empowerment in Graz. Moreover, the center encompasses a Dormitory House, a Lama House, a Dark Meditation Apartment, a Yoga/Seminar Room, a Dharma Shop, and a Library.
The Graz-based association She Drup Ling has developed and taken care of Kalāpa since 2001, receiving guest saṅghas and teachers from various spiritual traditions, such as Kyabje Chöden Rinpoché. In 2022 the center was handed over as a gift from She Drup Ling to Shar Khentrul Rinpoché to be part of his Dzokden community and was subsequently renamed “Dzokden Kalapa”. (Dzokden is a Tibetan word with multiple meanings: “that which is perfectly complete”, “the complete Dharma of Śhambhala”, or “a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony”.) 

Our spiritual tradition

The Rimé Master and Jonang-Kālachakra lineage holder Shar Khentrul Rinpoché was identified multiple times as the reincarnation of various realized beings such as the Kālachakra Master Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. He is also considered to be an emanation of the Bodhisattva Akaśhagarbha. Rinpoché has devoted his life to a diversity of spiritual practices, studying with more than twenty-five masters from all Tibetan Buddhist traditions. While Rinpoché has a genuine respect for various existent spiritual systems, he has the greatest confidence in the  Kālachakra Path and received the Jonang lineage from his main Root Lama, the great master Ngawang Lobsang Trinley (1917-1999). Hidden in the mountains of East Tibet and suffering from political persecution over the past centuries, the Jonang Tradition was wrongly believed to have become extinct. It has been rediscovered in recent decades by scholars and practitioners around the globe and has since experienced a powerful flourishing.
The Jonang Lineage is the only spiritual tradition that holds an unbroken lineage stream of the complete authentic teachings and pith instructions of the Kālachakra Completion Stage of the Six Vajra Yogas.

We are a Dzokden Center

Dzokden transforms the world into a Golden age of Peace and Harmony through the teachings of Kālachakra. 


Find out about our programs at Dzokden Kalapa