about us

A Dzokden Community in Austria

Actualize Your Innate Potential

Dzokden Kalapa, located in Austria, offer a practical and balanced approach for everyone to manifest innate peace and harmony through the profound wisdom of Kalachakra. 

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Retreats and Teachings

We offer weekend to month long practice focused retreats that build understanding of the teachings and community. Our in-person practices offer a balanced approach incorporating asana, meditation, rituals, selfless-service and time for self-reflection.

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residential volunteer program

For students who want to experience a rapid form of transformation and giving, we offer a few residential volunteer positions. These individuals provide all the retreats and experiences at Kalapa while cultivating the paramitas of diligence and patience.

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offer service

You can transform all aspects of life into the Dharma path. Offering service to the Guru and Community gives the opportunity to develop the habit and skill to see how offering  your worldly skills such as accounting, publishing, legal, translation or marketing can also be Dharma practice.

Our Vision

We want each and every person in the world to see that there is a path for them. Everyone can unlock their innate infinite blissful potential. When we transform ourselves, we have the power to transform our whole world.  In this video, Khentrul Rinpoche explains how Unity and personal transformation are the keys to a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.

We are a Dzokden Center

Dzokden is working to transform the world into a Golden age of Peace and Harmony. We create compassion based commuities globally through the spiritual direction of Khentrul Rinpoche.

Our Location

Dzokden Kalapa was founded in 2020. As a new project we are focused on establishing our offerings and building the community around that. 

Dzokden Kalapa is in the Kalachakra Retreat center offered to Khentrul Rinpoche by Shed Drub Ling. The Kalachakra temple was named Kalapa, after the center of the Realm of Shambhala, by his Holiness the 14th Dalia Lama after the Kalachakra empowerment was held in Graz. The space contains a blessed Kalachakra stupa, 24 arm Kalachakra statue and many thangkas and books specifically devoted to this practice. 



Find out about our programs at Dzokden Kalapa